Why do I need Canvas?
Canvas at MPS
Empowering Your Learning Journey
Welcome to Canvas at MPS! We are committed to providing an exceptional education for learners, and one of the ways we achieve this is through the use of Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Canvas is a cutting-edge platform that enhances the educational experience for students, learners and parents alike.
As an MPS student or employee, you may be asked to use Canvas to:
- Access resources you may need for an enrolled class
- Complete assignments and quizzes for an enrolled class
- Complete yearly compliance tasks
- Access core curriculum adopted by the district (K-12 student)
- Complete Pay for Performance tasks (employee)
- Participate in a particular training course for your position (employee)
- Give you access to a course to help your assigned student population (employee)
We often think of "students" as the young people on our campuses, but for the purposes of using Canvas to complete any type of course, it will be helpful to know that you are a student of that course if you are a K-12 student or MPS employee. We will often use the term learner to refer to the person who is learning in the course.
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